The number of asylum seekers in Norway has fallen sharply since the introduction of the anti- Coronavirus measures. However, the UDI is now preparing for an increase when Europe reopens.
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the forecast has been adjusted down from 3,000 to 1,200 asylum seekers this year, according to the Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
In April and May, just under ten asylum seekers were registered per week, compared with over 40 in January and February.
“Given the situation with border closures both in Norway and throughout Europe, we are not surprised by these figures. This is as expected and a natural consequence of what is now happening in Europe,” UDI Director Frode Forfang told NTB when he presented on Thursday how the Covid-19 crisis has affected the asylum and refugee situation in Norway.
A major question that Europe’s migration authorities are now discussing is whether there will be a sharp increase in both asylum seekers and other migration as the situation normalizes and borders reopen, writes Aftenposten.
“There is a lot of speculation about what will happen. There may be a curb effect, where you will get those who would normally seek asylum in 2021 and in addition all those who travelled this year, “ Forfang told the newspaper.
He emphasized that the UDI is planning for such an increase.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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