Trondheim registers 33 new corona cases: “People relaxed a little too much”

TrondheimPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

A total of 33 new corona infection cases have been registered in Trondheim in the last 24 hours. At the moment, the route of infection is unknown to four of the infected.

In addition, the source of infection has not been traced for two of the infected, while the rest are known close contacts. All of the infected have a mild course of the disease, the Municipality stated on Tuesday.

A total of 1,883 people tested for coronavirus in Trondheim on Monday.

The infection rate has been very low in Trondheim throughout the winter and spring, often with only a few registered cases of infection per day. 

Spike in infection

But the last few days have been marked by a considerable spike in infection numbers, which caused concern in the Municipality.

“We have a very demanding situation in Trondheim right now,” municipal chief physician Tove Røsstad told news bureau NTB on Sunday.

“There are probably too many people who relaxed a little too much after a long period of low infection (rates),” Røsstad noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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