12,000 Russian soldiers are said to have been killed during the war in Ukraine, according to Ukrainian authorities. The number has not been confirmed by independent sources.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced the figure in a statement on Twitter on Tuesday.
The figure is significantly higher than what the Russian authorities have previously stated. Last week, they reported that 498 Russian soldiers had been killed and that 1,597 Russian soldiers had been wounded.
Ukrainian authorities have not stated how many people have died on the Ukrainian side. The war between Ukraine and Russia has been going on since February 24.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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When the casualties become unacceptable to the Russians, I expect them to use – after fair, specific warning – nuclear weapons against cities, to force Ukraine to surrender and/or accept a treaty.
That’s what we had to do against Japan in World War 2.
We didn’t give the Japanese advance warning, though, so the surprise would magnify the Bombs’ psychological shock.
And it worked. The Bombs were the only *specific* factor cited by Emperor Hirohito in his first-ever surrender radio address, because they directly refuted his generals’ plans to turn our United Nations landing into high-casualty city-by-city block-by-block battles of attrition, to force us to negotiate a conditional surrender.
(Actually, they were just a colossal bluff. They were of little or no military value against the 100s of kilometers of tunnels the Japanese were building, and we only had 3 bombs to begin with, at that. And then there were the Bushido fanatics’ 11th hour coup attempt – it was that close to NOT getting their surrender.)
If the Russians do resort to nuclear weapons to end the war, I would expect them to give fair, advance warning, to let the city/cities evacuate and try to save as many innocent lives as possible … and/or give Kiev the chance and time to see reason and agree to a treaty.
We should have had the sense to them a fair security treaty and avert this tragedy, to begin with, but we knew best. /s