Around 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine, and many are at risk of human trafficking, Unicef warned this weekend.
Countless others are fleeing inland as the war continues, Unicef added in a press release published on Saturday.
“The war in Ukraine leads to massive internal flight and refugee flows. These are conditions that could result in a sharp increase in human trafficking and an acute crisis in child protection,” Afshan Khan, Unicef’s Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, warned.
He stated that children on the run are very vulnerable to being separated from their families, exploited, and exposed to trafficking.
Unicef says it has identified 500 children who have crossed the border into Romania alone From February 24 to March 7.
The total number of refugees is probably much higher, they say, and call on the authorities in the countries that take in refugees to step up the protection of children.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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