Summer weather will be humid and unstable

Happy bath summer weatherHappy baths. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

Humid and unstable summer weather predicted for the week-end

Eastern Norway will be this week-end weather winners, but even they will not avoid clouds and rain. The unstable summer weather continues, but the flood hazard is insignificant.


– There is no danger of flooding or landslides for the next three days, says the hydrologist at the flood warning service in NVE, Inger Karin Engen to NTB on Wednesday.

 If rain falls, the danger will increase for flooded roads and water seeping into basements on Saturday and Sunday, especially in Northern Norway, where the snow is still present in the mountains. The Meteorological Institute precipitations are reportedly correct but not complete in detail.

Eastern Norway will be weather winners

Eastern Norway gets the best weather in the next few days, even though a precipitation front passes on Friday. Temperatures will be well over 20 degrees over the weekend.

– There will be changing weather with a chance of rain showers also in Eastern Norway this weekend, but the weather does not get worse. We are expecting the rain to occur during Friday night or early Saturday, says State meteorologist Tone Christin Thaule.

Other where in the country, one must probably look in vain for temperatures above 20 degrees. In Tromsø, weekend temperatures are expected to fall down to 10 degrees, while Bergen can expect around 15 degrees.

Rain in the North

In Western and northern Norway it will be moist during the next few days. In the north, Nordland is most exposed, while Finnmark seems to stay clear for the most part.

The meteorologist unfortunately sees no early prospects for stable and good summer weather anywhere in the country.

– The high pressures are too far south, down in continental Europe. That seldom spells good news for us in Norway, says Thaule.


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