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VG: 273 Norwegians died after getting infected with corona in hospitals and health institutions

Nurse patient coronaPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

A total of 273 Norwegians who have been infected with the coronavirus while receiving treatment or care from health services have died. 

About a thousand Norwegians have been infected in hospitals and similar institutions.

Eleven of the country’s twenty largest regional health authorities state that they have had one or more outbreaks during the pandemic, VG’s review shows.

The newspaper writes that the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) has registered around a thousand cases of infection where a patient or resident has probably been infected inside a hospital, nursing home, or other health institution.

Among these, 273 people died. Most cases were registered in April last year, with 101 deaths. In November, December, and January, 36, 35, and 60 deaths were registered, respectively.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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