VG: Norway’s Progress Party wants to raise the salary of nurses and health professionals

Sylvi ListhaugPhoto: Lise Åserud / NTB

Sylvi Listhaug will present a resolution at the Progress Party’s (FRP) national meeting to bring about a pay rise for the country’s nurses and health professionals, newspaper VG writes.

The proposal states that the “FRP wants a three-year plan which proposes that an extra salary supplement be given to nurses and health professionals for the next three years.”

“I hope to get support to uplift the country nurses and health professionals,” she said, adding that the FRP wants to see the plan included in the revised national budget.

She did not want to commit to any amount but said that the salary must go up.

“There must be something that makes it attractive (for people) to apply for these professions – and stay there. Many have demanding working days and shift work,” she added.

The FRP is holding a digital national meeting this weekend.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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