On Monday, advance voting for the municipal council and county council elections opened. It lasts through to September 6th, before the election on Monday, September 9th.
During the advance voting, one can cast one’s vote anywhere, not just in the municipality where one is registered. On election day September 9th, you must vote in the municipality where you are registered, i.e. where you were registered as resident on June 30th this year.
In recent years there has been an increase in advance voting. During the municipal and county council elections in 2015, 24 %, corresponding to 585,250 voters, made use of the opportunity to vote in advance. In 2017, over one million pre-polls were registered for the first time, with 36 % of all voters doing so in advance.
Voters residing in municipalities or counties affected by the municipal and regional reform will, this year, elect representatives to municipal councils and county councils in the new municipality or the new county.
In 18 municipalities, digital election cards are also being trialled. This applies to Bergen, Bodø, Fredrikstad, Færder, Gjøvik, Gloppen, Grimstad, Hamar, Hå, Lillesand, Skaun, Skien, Stjørdal, Tromsø, Ulstein, Vadsø, Vanylven and Vågan.
It has already been possible to vote early since July 1st. Early voting is for those who are unable to vote in advance or attend the election day on September 9th.
However, some municipalities have two election days. Then voters can also vote on Sunday 8th September.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today