Spain has overtaken Denmark as the Norwegians’ holiday favourite
Half a million Norwegians travel to Spain to spend their vacation this year, according to survey. Spain has therefore surpassed Denmark as Norwegians most popular holiday country.
553,000 Norwegians spend this year’s vacation to Spain, according to the survey made by Respons Analyze for SpareBank1. 397,000 Norwegians travel to Sweden and 364,000 to Denmark.
– These countries are on top year after year. Denmark and Sweden are our closest holiday countries, and it is easy to be a Norwegian on holiday there. Sunny Spain has always been a popular holiday destination, and this year the country has risen to the top as our holiday favorite, says economist Magne Gundersen.
Portugal increases
After the aforementioned destinations follows Greece, Germany, France and Italy. In ninth place, we find the first country outside Western Europe on the list, namely the United States.
Interest in traveling to Turkey has fallen in recent years. At the same time, three times as many Norwegians travel to Portugal this year compared to last year. This secures the country a 11th place on the list.
In total, 2.1 million Norwegians over 18 years plan to spend all or part of the summer vacation abroad. It accounts for 53 percent of the adult population, an increase of 50 percent from last year.
Writer gets a proper shave in Behar, Spain. Photo: Sophia Bee Theng Tan
A relatively weak Norwegian crown has made it more expensive to holiday abroad in recent years. When the outlook for the labour market and the Norwegian economy now looks brighter, it leads to increasing optimism and that more people choose to spend their holiday abroad, believes Magne Gundersen.
– Most people are base their holiday plans on their own financal situation when planning their vacation. Less economic uncertainty contribute to spending more on holiday’s abroad than last summer, he says.
The greatest urge to journey is by people living in Akershus. In this county, 66 percent travel abroad for all, or part of the holiday. Fewest from Trøndelag travel abroad. Among the Trønders, only 43 percent plans for overseas holidays, according to the survey.
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