Norwegian “father’s quota” paternity leave doesn’t affect gender roles in Norway, study finds

Father and sonPhoto: Zach Callahan / Unsplash

The study focused on gender norms in Norway.

Norwegian paternity leave is known as “father’s quota”, also referred to as the “daddy quota” or “pappaperm.” The measure reserves a part of parental leave periods for fathers. But if the father doesn’t take the leave, it can’t be transferred to the mother – the family loses part of the quota.

The “father’s quota” – and taking it – does not affect gender roles at home or in working life, a new doctoral dissertation has shown. Neither does recruitment of male employees in kindergartens.

“We found no connection between different models for family policy and men’s orientation towards the family,” said Maria Olsson, a researcher in social psychology at the University of Tromsø to Kilden.

She defended her dissertation this spring on women’s underrepresentation in status occupations, and men’s underrepresentation in child care work.

Among other things, she investigated what makes men care-oriented in daily life and what plans they have for taking leave before they have children.

“The father’s quota affects whether and how many men actually take out parental leave. However, our research shows that it has not affected young men’s plans and priorities before they plan to start a family,” said Olsson.

Source: ©️ NTB Scanpix / #NorwayTodayTravel

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