Online shopping and lockdowns good for antique books, record, and used CD sales in Norway

Shakespeare Hamlet bookPhoto: Max Muselmann

The impact of COVID lockdowns and growing environmental consumerism have seen the market for second-hand books, records, and art boom over the past year.

28% increase in sales for antique books

Antique book stores have seen a surge of demand over the past year fuelled by the COVID-19 restrictions and a growing environmental consciousness in consumption habits.

Eivind Bergmann, general manager of Adamstuen Antikvariat told the newspaper Klassekampen that he had online sales of books have increased by 28% in the last year. Online sales now account for 70% of his business.

Prices have been relatively stables for the best part of 3 decades but since the first lockdown, last March, demand, and prices, have been surging.

Records and used CD’s increasingly popular

It is not just the bookworms that have been showing their financial clout. The sales of records and used CDs have also increased over the past year.

Anette Pedersen, general manager of Råkk & Rålls, in central Olso, has reported good sales figures since last May.

“After the easing of restrictions in May last year, it exploded, and since then we have had a very good turnover,” she told Klassekampen.

Not only are LPs in high demand but also more and more young people are buying used CD’s she noted.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayTravel

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