Nearly 82 per cent of all persons with a health care education were employed by 4th quarter 2015. The employment rate among physicians and nurses were 89 and 84 per cent respectively.
A total of 398 000 with a health care education were employed in 2015. Of these, nearly 80 per cent were working within the health and social services, 3.3 per cent within public administration and 5.6 per cent within the educational system. The remaining persons were working within other industries.
More than 1 in 10 had a foreign background
About 37 200 immigrants and non-resident health personnel were working in the health and social services in 2015. Nurses were the largest group, with 11 000 persons in total. Physicians amounted to 5 200 persons. More than 42 per cent of the health personnel with a foreign background came from countries outside Europe. Nevertheless Sweden was supplying 14.3 per cent of personnel with a foreign background.
Women are dominating health and social services
Women constitute 84 per cent of the employed personnel within health and social services. They also dominate most health care educations. In some educational groups, as for midwife and health visitors they amount to more than 99 per cent. Men are in majority within six educational groups e.g specialized physicians, dentists and paramedics.
Source: SSB / Norway Today