In two weeks, 39 doormen, a familiar element of Oslo’s nightlife, may go on strike if there is not a collective agreement.
The 39 bouncers work for Youngstorget Vertskap, which provides security services to 20 venues in Oslo, including several venues on Youngstorget,
writes Fri Fagbevegelse.
The doormen require a collective agreement. When the parties met at the State mediator (Riksmekleren) on Thursday, there was not an agreement.
‘We have sent out notice that we we will take our members on strike. From the time when the notification was sent out, there was a 14 days period
of notice given. That means that without agreement, there will be strikes from 8am on Friday 27 January, said union leader of Norsk Arbeidsmandsforbund,
Terje Mikkelsen to the newspaper Aftenposten.
The consequences of such a strike are not yet clear. Bars and clubs are not required to have doormen, but most choose to do so.
‘Of the consequences of a strike, and the impact it will have on our customers; we will make a statement on that at the start of next week.
Youngstorget Vertskap do not want a strike’, said the company’s chairman, Stefan Jansen.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today