Fewer viewings of house and apartment ads in Oslo

ApartmentsApartments in Oslo.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Fewer viewings of house and apartment ads by potential buyers in Oslo

Each ‘home for ‘ advertisement in Oslo in May this year was viewed 40% fewer times than at the same time last year.


On average, every housing advertisement on Finn.no was viewed in Oslo in May 2016 just over 4,300 times. This year, the number fell to 2,500 for the same month.

Also in Akershus

Sales Manager Johan Fredrik Høvås of Finn Eiendom provided a possible explanation.

‘Compared to last year, the number of pageviews per property fell from January onwards. In May, the number was significantly lower. A slower market, and increased offers, seems to be the explanation’, said Høvås to Aftenposten newspaper.

‘Although the number of views per ad has decreased, interest or total traffic has not necessarily reduced. The ‘for sale’ page has increased in number quite vigorously, so the interest among buyers is spread over several more ads’, he said.

In Akershus, it also became more difficult to gain the buyer’s attention in a hurry. There was a cut in viewings per ad from 3,600 in May 2016, to 2,650 this year, a reduction of 26%.


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