The government has decided that Norway will not join NATO’s weapons defense. The debate about possible Norwegian participation triggered fears of tensions between Norway and Russia.
“Through a broader security policy assessment, the government has decided that Norway does not consider acquiring upper-tier sensors or intercept missiles that can enter NATO BMD,” the state budget states.
BMD stands for “ballistic missile defense” and is referred to in Norwegian as missile defense or rocket shield, writes Klassekampen.
“I think this prevents increased tension,” says Russian scientist Julie Wilhelmsen.
Norway has for several years supported NATO’s decision on a weapon shield, but has been opposed to NATO becoming part of US missile defense plans. This turned around in 2010, on the grounds that the missile defense was not aimed at Russia.
In a classified Norwegian defense document from 2017, it was stated that the threat from Russia was a reason why Norway should join the shield.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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