Electronics giant Samsung said operating profit in the last quarter increased by 50%, despite problems with the phone Galaxy Note 7.
The operation has gone into profit of a whopping 66 billion.
This achieved the result of 9.2 billion in profit, 50% higher than in the same quarter last year, when the company earned 6.1 billion profits
on its operations.
The figures presented on Friday are better than analysts expected. According to FactSet, expectations lay at approximately
8 billion.
The growth is partly because the company has earned well on semiconductors, which are an important part of the business. Strong demand,
coupled with limited access on the supply side, have led to these parts of the Samsung operation providing half of the profit.
The company says that ‘very soon’ it will share details about why smartphone Galaxy Note 7 blew up. Millions of phones were
recalled, and it was forbidden to take that model on an aeroplane, even if it was switched off during the entire journey.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today