A total of 22% of the respondents in a survey among the Norwegian Armed Forces have experienced sexual harassment. The problem is much greater among women than among men.
In total, 46% of the women who responded to the survey have experienced some form of sexual harassment at least once or twice during the past year. Among men, the figure is 14%.
The figures show a slight decline since 2018, but the decline is the smallest among younger women, where the problem was the most significant in the first place.
On Monday, the Armed Forces presented the survey conducted by the Armed Forces Research Institute (FFI).
Slight decline
“I had hoped that the extent of bullying and sexual harassment would be lower, even though the results show a slight decline since 2018,” Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen noted.
There is also a slight decrease in the number of people who have experienced bullying in the Armed Forces.
In total, 11% experienced bullying. The pattern here is the same: women experience more bullying than men, and younger people experience more bullying than older people.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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