Can be voted into Parliament

Princess Martha LouisePrincess Martha Louise.Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix

The princess and her ex-husband might be parliamentary candidates. The Community Party (Samfunnspartiet) has once again put several celebrities on their parliamentary election list without asking permission to do so.

The Community Party is infamous for putting celebrities on their electoral roster. What is less known is that the party is against drilling for oil outside Lofoten, and in favour of state-run brothels.

For this year’s elections the Princess Martha Louise is placed highest on the list of celebrities. She is placed third, right after the party’s chairman.

– It is due to loyalty and respect for her spiritual world. I am a psycodelic and therefore have a great sense for those concerned with spirits, chairman of the Party, Øystein Meier Johannessen, said.

If the electorate approves the list, the people of Oslo can vote for the princess and her ex-husband, Ari Behn. He has been on the list before, and is placed at the bottom of the list this year.

– He lives in the same surreal world as the Community Party at times reside. We have enough common sense of existence. It would be fun if Ari Behn had appeared on the stands with us during the campaign.

Celebrities at the positions between the former couple include Thomas Seltzer, Vendela Kirsebom, Ole Paus, Aylar Lie, Anne-Kat Hærland and Harald Eia.

In its full right

The Community Party is in its right to put famous people on the electoral lists against their will. Celebrities can not even refuse unless they are registered in another electoral district or a member of another political party.

The Election Act was however changed a few years ago so that one can refuse to be listed for municipal or county council.

Martha can become a Member of Parliament

There is also no doubt that Princess Martha Louise may be elected to the Parliament, according to political science professor at the University of Oslo, Trond Nordby. Even King Harald is selectable, he said.

If you can vote, you can be chosen. That the King and his family do not have voting rights is a misconception. They simply choose not to do so.

– There is nothing in the constitution that suggests that the King does not have the right to vote. Ergo, he is also selectable. But it would be perceived as unheard of, says Trond Nordby.

Believes celebrities should appreciate being listed

According to Johannessen, none of the celebrities on the list are asked, and he does not deny that they put celebrities on the list to get attention, and think celebrities should look at it as an honour.

– Many of the celebrities will be happy to getting a spot in the limelight. Some of them are a bit forgotten.

The Royal Court will not comment to what they or the princess thinks about that she is a parliamentary candidate.

– It is a question we must come back to, Deputy Communications Director at the Royal Court, Sven Gjeruldsen, said:

NRK has not gotten a comment from Ari Behn.


Source: / Norway Today