The Cancer Society believes that Sylvi Listhaug is not suited as a public health minister after she said that “people must smoke, drink and eat as much red meat as they want” wrote ABC news.
‘’We believe the role should be shifted to someone who is more committed to, and understands the importance of public health work. One who understands that it is much better to prevent disease than it is to repair afterwards’’ said Secretary General, Anne Lise Ryel of the Cancer Society.
The background are the statements by the elderly and public health minister, Sylvi Listhaug of Fremskrittsparti (Frp) to NRK news on Sunday, where she said that “people should be allowed to smoke, drink and eat as much red meat as they want”. Listhaug also stated that she is not planning to be a moral policewoman and that she is not going to tell people how to live their lives.
Ryel responded that Listhaug points to things they know increase the risk of a number of serious diseases, and said they are okay.
‘’We are both disappointed and a little surprised that she has stated so, because the role of public health minister is to work with the risk of illness and to facilitate that people can live the best possible life, with the best possible health’’ she said.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

The cancer society is run by former AP politicians who takes 90% of the money the organization gets as salery, travel expenses and so on so their complaint is nothing more than cheap talking points and political noise.