In Bergen, Ålesund, Kristiansund and Florø, the average temperature in May was on average cooler than in April, according to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
For the first time in 150 years it has been warmer in April than in May in Bergen.
In the Western Cape, the mean temperature for May was 9.4 degrees, while April, which was abnormally warm, had an average of 9.8 degrees.
In Ålesund it was a whole degree warmer in the Easter month of April by 9 degrees, than in May where the average temperature was at 8 degrees. In the western villages of Kristiansund and Florø, the average temperature was also lower than in April.
Several places, in May have been considerably colder than last year.
May 2018 was the warmest May since 1900, and the monthly temperature for the whole of Norway was 4.2 degrees above normal. And it set a new heat record for Norway when it was measured 32.7 degrees in Etne in Hordaland.
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