Two Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan have been diagnosed with coronavirus and are in isolation. The Armed Forces have now been informed that the vaccines are on their way.
Newspaper VG wrote on Thursday that the Armed Forces plan to vaccinate Norwegian military personnel in Afghanistan against COVID-19.
Press contact Jørn Hammarbeck at the Armed Forces’ operational headquarters (FOH) told news bureau NTB that the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) has given them priority vaccines.
“We are a little unsure when we can start the vaccination. What we know now is that there will be vaccines available and that they will come. We’ll see whether the vaccines come on Monday, Tuesday, or next week,” he added.
It is currently unclear how many vaccine doses the Armed Forces will receive.
“The vaccines we have received have been prioritized for soldiers who are in international operations,” he concluded.
The infected soldiers are still in isolation. It is unknown how they became infected.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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