DPA: Germany to deliver more anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine

Photo: Johanna Geron, Pool Photo via AP

Germany will deliver another 2,700 anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, sources in the country’s Finance Ministry told the news agency DPA.

The anti-aircraft missiles are of the Strela type – a model developed in the former Soviet Union. Germany has had the rockets in stock since reunification with East Germany in 1990.

Germany has already approved the delivery of 1,000 anti-tank missiles and 500 anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, and they have already been delivered to the front in Ukraine, the government said on Wednesday.

Germany has not exported arms to war zones for years. It also hasn’t allowed other countries to use German territory or airspace to transport weapons to countries at war. However, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine last Thursday, the country made a U-turn in this regard. 

Increase defense expenditure

Furthermore, it announced that Germany would spend 2% of its GDP on the defense budget.

Germany has also agreed that German-produced weapons can be delivered to Ukraine from third countries, including 400 anti-tank missiles from the Netherlands.

According to DPA, in recent days, the Ministry of Defense has checked what kind of weapons the country could deliver to Ukraine, so that Ukraine can better defend itself against the Russian invasion and airstrikes.

On Thursday, the German industrial company Rheinmetall announced that it expects to create between 1,000 and 3,000 new jobs as a result of Germany’s decision to upgrade its military.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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