VG: FNB is the fifth largest party in Norway
The People’s Action – No to more road tolls (FNB) has grown to become Norway’s fifth largest party with a support of 6 per cent among Norwegian voters, tieing with the Socialists (SV).
FNB is thus larger than either MDG (5.7), Red (4.1), KrF (4.3) or the Liberals (3.2), according to the Party Barometer of VG for June.
The party barometer shows that FNB is equal in size to the Socialist Party (SV). SV also receives exactly 6 per cent support from Norwegian voters. This as Norwegians are getting ready for the municipal elections in the autumn.
The survey is done by Respons Analysis on behalf of VG. A total of 1,002 Norwegian voters were interviewed between 3rd and 6th June.

The interviews are conducted by phone. Error margin 2-3%.
The Labour Party (Ap) is currently the largest political party in Norway. They have 25 per cent support from the voters. The Conservative Party (H) is not far behind with 22.4 per cent of the voter mass backing them. The third largest is the Centre Party (Sp), which receives 13 per cent of the votes, while the Progress Party (Frp) has dropped to 8.6 per cent.
FNB biggest in Bergen
FNB receives 25.4 per cent support, and is with that Bergen’s largest party, according to a poll in Bergens Tidende on May 21st. The most remarkable fact is that it runs for election in merely eleven municipalities and four counties, the Leader of the anti-road-tolls party in Bergen believes.
“When we get such good polls, it suggests that we are gaining ever-increasing support in the general population,” FNB leader In Bergen, Trym Aafløy, tells VG.
The corresponding figures for the Stavanger region are not known, as there have been no polls of late.
In addition to four counties, FNB runs for election in Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger, Skien, Porsgrunn, Sandnes, Sola, Klepp, Askøy, Alver and Øygarden for the municipal elections. In Drammen and Tromsø there are other anti-road-toll lists.
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