Four corona patients at Ahus have died since Friday

Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

Since Friday, four corona patients at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) have died. One was fully vaccinated.

“Since Friday, there have been four corona-related deaths, press officer Jan Eirik Vestnes at Ahus told the newspaper Romerikes Blad.

On Wednesday, 14 corona patients were hospitalized at Ahus. Three of them are in the intensive care unit. Two are on respirators. 

So far in the pandemic, 71 corona patients have died at hospitals in Norway.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Four corona patients at Ahus have died since Friday"

  1. I arrived at NUPI, the international affairs forum, for the panel discussion of 9/11 but was turned away because I had had only 1 vaccination and don’t have a covid certificate. (I prefer Pfizer because I have a heart condition, and I’ll wait for my second until after the kids (who should indeed have higher priority) have been vaccinated.

    But I was the only one there wearing a facemask!, and the CDC has warned that even fully vaccinated should be wearing them in such closed room situations, because they can still get the virus in their nasal and oral passages and then pass it on outside, until their antibodies finally catch up to it in their body.

    On the bus, VERY few now are wearing facemasks. So will there have to be another economically and socially devastating lockdown? … or will the new government *mandate* everyone wear facemasks out in public?

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