A total of 15 new coronavirus infection cases have been registered in Drammen Municipality in the last 24 hours. The route of infection is currently unknown for five of the cases.
In the last four days, the Municipality has registered the lowest numbers since the infection rose sharply in early March.
“So far, it indicates that the infection pressure in Drammen Municipality has been reduced considerably from the highest level two or three weeks ago, and that is very positive,” chief infection control doctor Einar Sagberg said.
But Sagberg is concerned about the proportion of those without a known route of transmission. He emphasized that cases of infection where it is not possible to trace the route of infection mean that there is infection in society that has not been mapped.
“We still expect that there are a number of cases of infection that we are not registering. So there is infection in the community that can affect anyone,” Sagberg added.
A total of 3,759 people in Drammen have been infected since the beginning of March last year.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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