Muslim leaders report SIAN after the Koran burning in Kristiansand

Minareten of the mosque at the Islamic Cultural Center in OsloOslo.Minareten of the mosque at the Islamic Cultural Center in Oslo.Photo: Tore Meek / NTB scanpix

Several Muslim leaders in Agder announce that they will report SIAN after they set fire to the Quran during a march on Saturday.

– “We intend to report to the police the hate crime that Sian has committed. They have made verbal assaults on Muslims and illegally set fire to the Qur’an,” says Akmal Ali, leader of the Muslim Union in Agder, to the Fatherland friend.

On Monday, they met with politicians and police after the group Stop Islamization of Norway (SIAN) on Saturday organized a demonstration in which two copies of the Qur’an were thrown in a rubbish bin, while one was set on fired by leader Lars Thorsen. Several counter-protesters then attacked Thorsen.

SIAN had announced in advance that they would burn a copy of the Qur’an. The police had not allowed this, and therefore the demonstration was stopped when SIAN leader Lars Thorsen lit a book.

– “Lars Thorsen achieved his goal. He deceived the police and set fire to the Qur’an. The fact that he did this has created a lot of frustration among both adults and youth,” said Omar Sadiq, leader of the Muslim Union Youth Agder, during the meeting on Monday.

– “Now the muslim youths tell us leaders that since we were unable to stop what had happened and that they have lost confidence in us. Therefore, we want to report what SIAN did to the police and open a case in the justice system. We want once and for all to stop SIAN and others who create divisions and rivalries,” Sadiq said.

Earlier this month, Lars Thorsen was sentenced to 30 days suspended jail and a fine of 20,000 NOK for referring to Muslims as “notorious sexual predators” who “rape in epidemic proportions” in SIAN brochures distributed in Oslo last summer.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

9 Comments on "Muslim leaders report SIAN after the Koran burning in Kristiansand"

  1. Hypocracy of police and higher authorities that they are allowing such hate protests.Racism has never produced any good for anybody. Today Muslims were targeted and their Holy book was burnt. Christians will be next and then will be sikhs and Hindus and so on. Allowing hate to thrive is equally bad as hating people from other Religion. There is a fine line between Hate speech and freedom of speech.

    • Abdul Haseeb Afridi | 23. November 2019 at 12:32 | Reply

      Norway and the whole Europe should be ashamed of this.
      Why you hypocrite people allow such people to do such act.
      Remember, this will bring more people to accept Islam. Because Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and happiness. Whereas, your society lacks all this, only Islam can help you people.

  2. Such activities against Islam by people of an enlighten and modern country are condemnable. All religions are respectable.

  3. All religions should be respected in this modern era and Norway Government may have control these activities prophylactically

  4. A sign if great division in social life. Norway failed to protect Muslims as Quran is life for Muslims.

  5. Stupid Man has no knowledge of his own religion. Most the European are atheist. SIAN seems to be christian terrorist group stoking hatred and which need to curbed at root stage before it spreads like virus.
    By the way the Holy Book is in the minds of Millions of Muslims around the world, you can desecrate hard copies what about soft copies. By Almighty Lord of world no can even come close to destroying the soft copy until end of the world.
    Hope that Norway takes action before it looses Billion & Trillion in business with Muslim Countries.

  6. | 25. November 2019 at 03:52 | Reply

    norway govt dont serious on this so muslim countries should break relationships to norway

  7. JAVED ABDULAZIM | 25. November 2019 at 05:26 | Reply

    An atheist can’t attempt such act, since he has no concern with any religion.
    These are islamophobes of some other religion.

  8. It’s a shame that Norway government is favoring such evil and hate crimes of burning a holy book and prosecuting the poor defender rather than the SIAN book burner! Shame on you! How can they allow such hate organization to exist!

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