The EU has decided that the shelf life of Norwegian eggs will be reduced by one week – from 35 to 28 days.
“It is unsustainable that Norwegian agriculture has to pay dearly for the fact that southern European countries have major problems with food security,” Trine Vaag at Nortura told the newspaper Nationen.
“For a number of years, we have taken measures to enable Norwegian consumers to eat salmonella-free eggs, and we have succeeded. We have to get an exception from these regulations,” Vaag added.
The main problem for Nortura and Norwegian egg producers is that shorter shelf life means that producers will have to pick up eggs on the farms more often. Nortura has calculated that shipping costs will increase by NOK 65 million annually if producers have to pick up eggs twice a week instead of once.
“With our decentralized structure and our relatively low volume, it is not justifiable to pick up eggs more than once a week, both due to costs and due to emissions from the trucks,” Vaag said.
Vaag says that eggs from hens in Troms og Finnmark and eggs from producers in Western Norway will, in practice, be impossible to pack due to too short shelf life.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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