New rescue boat to make Hordaland safer

Rescue boatRescue boat: Erlend Aas / NTB scanpix

Hordaland is the county in Norway where most people have drowned in recent years. Now a new rescue vessel will hopefully improve the safety of those who frequent the sea.

The official baptism is after Easter, but already during the holidays was the Rescue Organization’s (Redningsselskapets) recent acquisition put into use, according to Bergens Tidende. Skipper Torjus Sundsdal praised the new boat to the skies.

– It is a joy to manoeuvre her. You are virtually flying over the water. And listen so quiet she runs! It is really noticeable when you are out there up to twelve hours in one stint, he says, explaining that the vessel is tailor made for narrow waters. The expectations of RS 163 are high.

– We will get out faster and will be able to be part of more rescue missions. This vessel will save many lives, Sundsdal says.

Since 1998, 241 people have drowned in Hordaland.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today