Norway’s health institute believes the COVID-19 vaccine should be free

vaccineVaccine.Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

When a coronavirus vaccine comes to Norway, the vaccine and the vaccination itself should be free, according to the National Institute of Public Health (FHI).

The FHI revealed its position in an assessment of the vaccination against COVID-19 in Norway.

The institute believes that more people will take the vaccine if it’s free, as data shows that the pandemic has different effects on different parts of society. 

Due to that, the FHI believes that the vaccine should be free.

Furthermore, the FHI stated that the benefits of vaccination apply to the vaccinated individual, the state, and the businesses that will eventually face financial disadvantages due to corona-related restrictions.

National vaccination program

However, is compensation is required, the FHI believes that it should be regulated to a fixed amount so that the cost is the same throughout the country.

In the assessment, the institute estimates that the vaccine will cost between NOK 50 and 300 and that each vaccination will cost between NOK 100 and 200.

It also recommends that vaccination is organized as part of the national vaccination program. 

With such a program, it would be possible to have a national plan for distribution, overview, implementation, monitoring, and communication during the coronavirus vaccination process.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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