Norway’s Red Party asks government to prevent crime aimed at Ukrainian refugees

Photo: NTB

The Red Party’s (Rødt) Mímir Kristjánsson believes that the government must take action to prevent Ukrainian refugees from being targeted by criminals. 

The parliamentary representative says that Ukrainians were among the most vulnerable groups in Norway even before the war.

Now he asks Minister of Labor Marte Mjøs Persen (AP) to explain what she plans to do to ensure that criminals in the working life sector do not exploit Ukrainian refugees, the newspaper Aftenposten writes.

Fair Play Bygg has already received information about attempts at extortion and fraud at the refugee reception center at Råde. Attempts have been made to pressure refugees in exchange for money, as FriFagbevegelse wrote earlier this week.

Vulnerable situation

Kristjánsson pointed out that the refugees are in a very vulnerable situation and do not have knowledge of the Norwegian language and the rules of Norwegian working life.

“Norway needs labor in almost all industries. But we must not let the criminals be in charge. Therefore, it is important that the authorities get on the field quickly. Things indicate that criminals are already in action,” Kristjánsson warned.

Women and young people

Kristjánsson is far from alone in worrying about the newly arrived refugees. Both the UN and several aid organizations have warned women and young people that some of those who say they want to help may, in fact, be hostile. 

“We are worried about several things – people can get into debt, people can end up in prostitution, in addictive relationships, work for low compensation to pay back debt… We must try to avoid that,” section leader Are Magnus Olsen in the National Police Immigration Service (Politiets utlendingsenhet) told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).

Previous crises have shown that criminals know how to exploit people who are on the run.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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