Norwegian police travel to Greece to verify IDs of Syrians coming to Norway

Photo: Tore Meek / NTB

A team from the Police Immigration Unit (PU) is in place in Athens to meet the 50 Syrians who have been selected to be brought to Norway from Greece, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reports.

In September, the government decided to take in 50 asylum seekers from Greece through so-called relocation

The government’s decision was announced shortly after the Moria refugee camp burned down last year. 

All 50 asylum seekers will have their asylum applications processed in Norway.

The government has demanded that those who are allowed to come must be vulnerable Syrian families with children who are likely to qualify for a residence permit. 

Ten families

The PU informed NRK that there is talk of taking in a total of ten families.

In the interviews, the PU will try to map everything from escape routes to details from the lives the asylum seekers have lived. 

The Norwegian Police Security Service (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste) is also involved in the process.

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), which will process the asylum applications, informed NRK that it is likely that the 50 Syrians will come to Norway during January or February. 

According to the UDI, the goal is for most people to have their asylum applications processed within three weeks after they have arrived in Norway.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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