Private individuals can now send packages with emergency aid to Ukraine via PostNord free of charge.
The packages from Norway will be driven to Poland, where the Ukrainian postal service (Ukrposhta) will pick up and distribute the goods further into Ukraine to the places in the country where the need is greatest, PostNord stated on Wednesday.
“Many Norwegians want to support the Ukrainian people, who are in an absolutely terrible situation. Now we offer sending aid easily and free of charge, to get help all the way to the Ukrainian people,” CEO of PostNord Norway Robin Olsen said.
Multiple locations
The company has 22 locations where packages can be delivered and shipped to Ukraine free of charge.
The package can weigh up to 20 kilos and have a maximum size of a “regular moving box.” You can only send one type of item per package, for example, one package of food and one with hygiene products – to make it easier to distribute the items to the right place when they arrive in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian postal service has conveyed that they do not want clothes, with the exception of thermal underwear (wool and super underwear).
To send aid, you must fill out a registration form on PostNord’s website and receive a code that you need to take to the place where the package is to be sent.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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