A majority of the population think it’s OK to pay for NRK, and would do so even if it was optional, according to a new survey.
The survey was conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Dagbladet, and shows that 64% of the population would retain NRK although they could release the license, and select to do without it.
The following question was put to respondents, ‘Imagine that the TV channel, NRK, was optional and one could opt out and thus avoid paying the license (kr. 2,835 in 2016). Would you retain or deselected the channel?’
27% said they would opt out, while 9% were undecided.
Broadcasting chief, Thor Gjermund Eriksen, is pleased with the results.
‘NRK is very strong among the population. On Christmas-eve, two million people tuned into ‘Kvelden før kvelden’ on NRK1, wrote Eriksen in an email to the newspaper.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today