One in four Norwegians worried that young kids have to take unsafe roads to school

Photo: Jan Haas / NTB

As children return to school all over Norway next week, one in four Norwegians is worried about unsafe roads to school.

A membership survey conducted by Kantar among 4,000 Norwegian Automobile Federation (NAF) members shows that 24% believe that the road to school where they live is unsafe.

“It is a seriously high number. It shows that the road to school, which is so important in the everyday lives of both children and parents, is also a source of insecurity and fear,” communications manager Camilla Ryste in the NAF told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).

Nevertheless, the statistics are uplifting. While there were 103 children in Norway under the age of 14 who died in traffic in 1970, the number was reduced to 2 in 2020 and 0 in 2019.

The NAF encourages parents to go to school with their children. Motorists are encouraged to be extra careful at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings when school starts again on August 16.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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