Oslo decides to keep current corona measures in place for two more weeks

Raymond JohansenPhoto: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

The City of Oslo will keep the coronavirus measures in place for another two weeks but will make some relief for children and young people.

“The advice we got from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health is also very clear: It is not justifiable to open Oslo now,” Oslo City Council chief Raymond Johansen (AP) said on Wednesday.

“Due to the still very serious infection situation, the City Council has decided to keep the measures we have in Oslo for two weeks, until Thursday, April 29,” he noted.

However, there will be some relief for children and young people. From Monday, all pupils in the Oslo school will again be able to return to school.

“I am very happy that we can once again have all our pupils back in school. There, they will face a reinforced “red” level, with even stronger infection control than before,” Johansen said.

Relief for children and sports

Furthermore, Oslo Municipality will allow young children to deviate from the requirement of one meter of distance while engaging in leisure and sports activities outdoors.

The vast majority of measures are continued, but some relief is made for children and young people. Among other things, sports will also benefit from the relief in the measures.

“We exempt children up to and including junior high school age from the requirement to keep a distance of one meter when that is necessary to engage in an outdoor activity,” Johansen said.

“This rule has been difficult to follow for the youngest children and has in many cases made it difficult to carry out activities,” he added.

The City Council chief also emphasized that the maximum group size of ten people will not change and that everyone above the junior high school age who participates in sports and leisure activities must still keep at least one meter away from others.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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