Two employees at the pharmacy at Rikshospitalet in Oslo have been diagnosed with Coronavirus infection, reports VG. Everyone who has shopped there has been contacted.
According to VG, the employees in the public ward at the pharmacy at Rikshospitalet at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) were quarantined on Tuesday. The two pharmacy employees have handled patients who have bought prescription drugs.
– “The two employees are well and are at home in isolation,” says Tore Prestegard, CEO of Sykehusapotekene HF.
He states that patients have been tracked and contacted. However, there is no requirement for patients to be tested, since purchases over the counter are not considered close contact. Customers have been told to contact the health service or the Coronavirus telephone if necessary.
– “No other infected people have been confirmed so far,” Prestegard says.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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