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Over 220,000 doctor appointments have been postponed at Norwegian hospitals since corona hit

Operation roomPhoto: Terje Pedersen / NTB

A large number of patients have had their appointments postponed at hospitals and treatment centers after the corona pandemic hit Norway.

In total, more than 220,000 appointments related to consultations, treatments, and operations have been postponed, according to figures from the Norwegian Patient Register and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reports. 

It is important to note that one patient can be included in the statistics several times if he or she had several appointments.

“The number may seem very large, but extremely many consultations are carried out in the health service over one year, so in percentage terms, it is not a big change,” Minister of Health Bent Høie (H) noted.

No complaints

He believes the hospitals are well on their way to catch up on postponed appointments.

Patient ombudsman Mette Elisabeth Eriksen in Finnmark encourages patients to contact their GP or hospital and notify them if their condition worsens.

Despite the delays, Eriksen has hardly received any complaints.

“People have shown an enormous understanding,” Eriksen told NRK.

Source: #Norway Today, #NorwayTodayNews

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