On Tuesday, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) confirmed that people living in Oslo and Viken have to continue to live under stricter restrictions than other parts of the country until the infection pressure decreases.
While large parts of Norway will start to reopen on Friday, the relief doesn’t apply to infection hubs.
Solberg admitted that “it is difficult to say” when people living in Oslo and Viken can also fully participate in the reopening of Norway.
The government is easing the national measures, but in Oslo and Viken, regional and local infection control measures have been introduced, which trump the national ones.
“Oslo and Viken are hubs for much of the infection in Norway now, and it is clear that we must see an even lower infection pressure in Oslo before one can reopen,” Solberg said, referring to the local measures in the capital.
“So it is up to the local politicians in Oslo to consider exactly when they can open a little. There is still a high infection pressure (there), which is why we extended the measures for the areas around Oslo in Viken by two weeks. It is clear that it will take a little longer,” she said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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