The 27-year-old accused of killing a friend in Melhus by stabbing him more than 100 times with a bayonet, will plead not guilty when the trial starts Monday.
Råger Holte (38) was found dead in his apartment on January 25 this year. The accused 27-year-old has admitted that there was a fight between the two a fortnight before Holte was found dead.
“He explains that there was an altercation where the deceased hit him with a plate, a folding chair and a wooden object. The defendant acknowledges that he also fought back and defended himself but that they made up afterwards and were fine the following morning,” claims the defendant’s solicitor Arve Opdahl, to VG.
The defendant has explained that both were high and its was common to get into fights and argue but that they always made up afterwards. He has no idea who killed Holte.
The trial against the 27-year-old starts in Sør-Trøndelag district court on Monday. They have set four weeks for the trail. The prosecution announces that the accused may be held in custody during trail.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today
presumably Råger fell on a floor which there were 100 knives standing.