Norwegian police are asking for gays to forgive them for the injustice and harassment many have been exposed to, and for fear that the police helped to create.
The request comes in connection to a Pride seminar on Friday, the
Pride week’s opening day.
‘’The police have, since the end of April this year, planned a gathering for police officers, police students and invited guests, where we would like to offer apologies for the injustice and harassment many were subjected to, and for the fear the police were creating and building up from below’’ it said in a press release.
During the event at the Politihusetin Oslo on Friday, author and activist
Karen-Christine “Kim” Friele will give a lecture. In addition, there are posts from, among others, department director Kristin Kvigne of the Police Directorate and police chief, Bjørn Vandvik of Oslo police district.
‘’During the opening, the police will recognise that mistakes have been
made throughout history, that we are another police force today, and
that we have many learning points.
The learning is especially related to transgender people and LHBTQI
people who bring other cultures than the mainstream Norwegian. Both of these groups are exposed to hate crime’’ wrote Oslo police district.
During Oslo Pride, the police must be visible, and they will participate
in Pride park from the 19th to 22nd of June. In addition, the police will participate in the parade under the slogan “A police force for all” (‘’Ett
politi – for alle’’).
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