Raymond Johansen asks people in Oslo to prepare for times of crisis

Raymond JohansenPhoto: Berit Roald / NTB

Oslo City Council is putting forward what they refer to as a crisis budget next week. The City Council leader asks people to be ready for times of crisis.

In an interview with the newspaper Aftenposten, Raymond Johansen used a term from the post-war era, “expensive time,” about the situation with galloping prices.

“We are heading full speed into an expensive time, with higher electricity prices and increased food prices,” Johansen said.

Electricity prices, in particular, cost the Municipality a lot and give less money to spend.

“We are not prepared… There is a total lack of understanding of the crisis,” he said.

Johansen says that asking the state to contribute more money is like pissing your pants to keep warm. He warns that it may be appropriate to turn down the temperature in public buildings or take other measures.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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