Tasty summer berries to be expected soon
Most of us have already enjoyed the sweet strawberries, but when can we expect raspberries, cherries and the other fantastic Norwegian berries?
‘The berry season looks so promising. Even though cool nights have slowed progress down a bit, we expect absolutely super quality when these berries mature,’ said Gerd Byermoen, Communications Officer at the Fruit and Vegetable Advisory Council.
Ready for harvest berries are not far away, promised Byermoen, who says the largest volume of raspberries are grown in Western Norway.
‘You can never predict exactly when these living goods will be ready, but there are already some Norwegian raspberries from Sørlandet on the market, and a greater volume is expected next week.
By mid-July there should be Norwegian raspberries available all over the country’, said Byermoen.
Slightly smaller volume of cherries
A good amount of Norwegian cherries are also expected, although it is likely to be somewhat less than last year. Cherries will be ready from the last week in July.
‘The cherry forecast from the Green Producers’ Cooperative Council shows that the crop will be 460 tonnes this 2017 season. It’s slightly smaller than last year, which produced 490 tonnes.
Gooseberries, which are most commonly used for jam, will be ready from week 29, while black currants are expected in late July, early August.
‘There have been quite good conditions for berry crops so far, warm but not too hot, and not very wet. It gives the berries time to mature. There’s a few weeks left, so it’s never good to say exactly when the end result will be ready,’ added Byermoen.
Long strawberry season
The strawberry season, which is well under way, will continue until late September.
The season will be long because almost no areas have ripe berries at the same time’, explained Byermoen.
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