While protests are increasing against tolls in the rest of the country, Oslo’s new 50 tolls are opening. If you drive smartly, there’s money to save.
Next weekend, more specifically on Saturday the 1st of June, there will be a total of 83 toll stations in and on the border into Oslo, divided into three toll rings. The innermost consists of 38 brand new stations. Most of them are located along the road we know as Ring 2, with arms going out to Grefsen and Trosterud.
The next ring, known as the Oslo Ring, are the 22 toll stations that we have already had for many years.
The city boundary lies at the very end with 23 toll stations on or near the border between Oslo and Follo and Romerike in addition to the existing ones between Bærum and Oslo said the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.
Lots to save
There is a lot to save for the motorists. A system of discounts that change with and without a passport chip, in or outside rush hour, timesheets and according to monthly rates. It pays to read instructionss. There is big money to save if you drive “smart”.
“If you stay at Rosenhoff and drive a petrol driven car with an Autopass agreement, and bring and collect at the kindergarten in Hasleveien, it will cost 27.20 NOK per day from June 1st. Without a pass, it will cost NOK 68 for the round trip according to Fjellinjen chief, Anne-Karin Sogn.
A separate calculator should make it easier to calculate how much it costs to drive from A to B.
In the two innermost rings you have to pay both to drive in and out, while the toll stations on the outer ring only require payment to enter.
New in this is step 2 of Oslopakke 3, in that electric cars below 3.5 tons must start paying.
In step 3, which will be introduced next year, there is a “moderate increase” for the electric cars, but there are still exemptions for vans.
More bus departures
While it will become more expensive to drive a car, the public transport service will be strengthened. In March, several buses were set up to and from Follo, and from this week, the same will happen with Romerike. There are also around 50 new buses and several bus departures internally in Oslo.
It is hoped that the trend from last year will continue, namely that more and more people in Oslo and Akershus choose public transport rather than the car. In 2018, public transport increased by 4.2 % show figures from Ruter.
According to Ruter, car traffic through the toll ring has fallen by almost 5% during the same period.
So if you are smart, you will take advantage of this, and if you are extra smart, you will have understood a word of this article.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today