Naturvernforbundet and Bondelaget are joining the Green Party (MDG) in asking for a speed limit of 90 kilometers per hour – not 110 – on new motorways.
The Norwegian Automobile Federation (NAF) also wants a maximum speed of 90 kilometers per hour and two or three lanes on less busy roads. They emphasize that they want a speed limit of 110 kilometers per hour and a four-lane road on the busiest roads.
The three organizations have written letters to Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård (AP), the newspaper Dagsavisen reports.
Lower emissions
“Specifically, we ask for a higher threshold for when to build a four-lane road, more use of two- and three-lane roads, and a new standard for four-lane roads with a 90-limit,” communications manager Camilla Ryste in the NAF stated.
In addition to making it cheaper to build a road, this will also lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions, less noise, and lower accident risk, the organizations noted in the letter.
MDG: 90-limit on all roads
The MDG wants to go a notch further and have 90 as the national speed limit, not just on new roads, according to the newspaper. MTG’s deputy head Arild Hermstad says there is also a financial gain involved for those who drive both large and small cars.
“It will be a good energy-saving measure for both fossil and electric cars and heavy transport. This will result in lower fuel consumption and thus also lower bills,” he said.
Lower speed limits were among last week’s proposals from the International Energy Agency (IEA) to reduce oil consumption in industrialized countries.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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In the 70s during the gas shortage – the speed limit on the U.S.A. roads was 55 mph. The difference between 55 mph and 70 or 80 mph can be as high as 5-6 mph per gallon.