So far, 588 Ukrainian pets have “fled” to Norway

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

So far, 588 pets have come to Norway together with Ukrainian refugees. In some of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s departments, veterinarians have to spend all their time on the animals.

“It is currently not possible to say anything about costs for temporary quarantine facilities, transport, and veterinary treatment, but the handling of the situation requires significant resources,” Ole-Herman Tronerud in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority wrote in an email to E24.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has established 51 quarantine facilities with a total of 1,100 places for animals from Ukraine.

In principle, animals outside the EU must be killed if they do not have the proper paperwork, but the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has made an exception, and no Ukrainian pets will be killed due to a lack of paperwork or vaccines.

“The cost of quarantine, tests, and vaccines to meet the requirements is covered by the authorities,” Tronerud added.

Some of the Authority’s local departments use all or large parts of their veterinary capacity to handle the Ukraine animals. 

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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