Sweden to remove all corona restrictions on February 9

Photo: Marko Säävälä / TT / NTB

All corona restrictions in Sweden will be lifted on February 9, the Swedish government announced at a press conference on Thursday morning.

“We’re approaching the time for opening up Sweden again,” Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said.

“The pandemic is not over, but it is on its way into an entirely new phase,” she added.

In addition, COVID-19 will no longer be classified as a socially dangerous disease.

International studies and data from Sweden show that the omicron variant causes milder disease and puts less pressure on the health care system than previous variants, Andersson pointed out.

High vaccination rate

“The vaccination rate has been very high in Sweden in recent weeks. 80% of all Swedes over the age of 50 have now received three vaccine doses, and we can open up society again,” she said.

At the same time, she emphasized that the risk of infection will still be high for the unvaccinated, especially the elderly. Therefore, the government’s recommendations for the unvaccinated will remain in place.

The Swedish government’s easing of measures comes after the Danes removed all measures earlier this week. Norway also removed most of the measures this week.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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