The Police Security Service (PST) does not consider the threat level to be altered by the terrorist acts in Belgium, but have called in extra crews in Easter to find out whether there will be ramifications for Norway.
We monitor and collect information to see whether this will affect the situation and threat level in Norway, acting PST leader Beate Gangås says to NRK.
– We are working intensively to get a good picture of what has happened and whether there are links to Norway that means we have to take other measures here. Currently, we can not see that there are any such connections, Gangås continues, adding that they are keeping a particularly close eye on on some communities.
On February 9, PST made their threat assessment for 2016 public. In the threat assesment they stated that they “considered it possible that extreme Islamists will attempt to carry out terrorist acts against Norway during the coming year.”
– I can tell the Norwegian people that we do everything in our power to prevent this from happening, Gangås says.
PST informed on Wednesday afternoon that they as yet do not consider the threat level in Norway to be altered as a result of the terrorist attacks in Brussels.
– PST is now working on gathering information through our network of national and international partners. In view of what we know of the situation ,subject to any changes that may affect this, we make continuous assessments of the impact of thison the threat level in Norway, the security service informs.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today