Toys shops removing clown costumes from their shops

Oslo.Illustration, photo of person dressed as the clown.Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

Ringo which is a big toy shop has chosen to withdraw all of clown costumes from its 114 stores based on what happened around the country.

According to NRK news, the decision will apply for some time to come, and it also includes costume with red clown noses.

– We have asked all our stores to remove everything which has clown costumes elements in it, says CEO Gro Svendsen in Ringo.

– The clown trend around the world is just to intimidate and create videos and then post on YouTube.

Meanwhile, we become aware that the police have received ten to twelve reviews in one day – and also with one with a knife. This is not something we are interested in, she mentioned.

The trend “killer clowns” has been linked to the figure Pennywise in the book “It” by Stephen King. A miniseries based on the book was made in 1990, but now is a movie is under process for next year.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today