Center Party (SP) leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum wants to have a national celebration of the anniversary of the Christianization of Norway in 2030. He wants to include it in the government program of the “red-green” coalition.
“It is a defining event in our nation’s history and our nation’s self-image, we have to put a major celebration in place,” Vedum told the newspaper Vårt Land.
In 2030, it will be a thousand years since Olav the Holy fell in the battle of Stiklestad. Vedum believes the anniversary deserves a big celebration, as was the case with the constitutional anniversary in 2014.
“As with the constitutional anniversary, one should use such a marking to learn, discuss, and create a greater understanding of our own country and Christian history,” Vedum said.
Therefore, he also wants to make the celebration a binding point in the new “red-green” government platform.
“It should be announced in the government’s declaration as a cultural policy objective,” he said.
Vedum believes that if one is to understand one’s contemporaries, one must understand one’s history and the references to the Christian view of values.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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