Zelenskyj: Without a no-fly zone, Russian rockets will land on NATO territory

Photo: Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj again called on NATO to impose a no-fly zone over the country. If not, Russian missiles will land in NATO countries, he warned.

“If you do not close the airspace, it is only a matter of time before Russian rockets land on their territory, NATO territory,” Zelensky said in a video speech published just after midnight Monday night.

According to Ukrainian authorities, on Sunday night, about 35 people were killed and 134 wounded in an attack on the Javoriv military base. 

The base is located around 25 kilometers from the border with the NATO country Poland and 30 kilometers northwest of the city of Lviv in western Ukraine.

The United States and NATO say no NATO or US-affiliated soldiers or other personnel were present at the base during the attack.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Zelenskyj: Without a no-fly zone, Russian rockets will land on NATO territory"

  1. The Russians are not going to attack NATO members. If a Russian rocket lands on NATO territory, it will be off course, unless the Russians announce they are attacking a NATO base sending weapons to the Ukrainians, but I would expect them to announce that extremely serious escalation first.
    Meanwhile, the ever-anti-Russian Poles are hopefully saying that any use of chemical weapons should justify NATO intervention aka World War 3.
    Months ago, Russia accused the West of setting up another false flag chemical attack, this time in Ukraine for exactly that reason.

    If we don’t BACK OFF and tell Zelensky to accept the peace treaty like we and he should have before, the only possible outcome to this is the intercontinental nuclear holocaust we have been dreading since the 1950s, when the Soviets orbited Sputnik.
    (Again, I was a high school junior during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, when it almost happened, and the situation now is infinitely more dangerous with weapons infinitely more powerful, instantaneous, and Dead Hand automatic.

    Meanwhile … at the very least … for our families, our children … real civil defense? Ekte sivillforsvars??
    … and that’s not just pills.

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